How {and why} to Hold A Clothing Swap

For the past few years, I’ve been involved with organizing a women’s clothing swap twice a year at It’s All Yoga, the yoga studio where I teach,  and recently I’ve been asked to explain how and why we do it.

What Is A Clothing Swap?

It’s a get together with friends, clients, students with the purpose of trading gently used items (clothes, shoes and accessories) with others.

Wardrobes are remade and friendships begin with chatting over tables while in search of that perfect new-to-you outfit. I have connected with friends and students while building a new seasonable wardrobe.

Why Hold A Clothing Swap:

1. It’s fun.

2. It’s an environmentally and budget friendly way to build a new wardrobe for yourself while helping someone else build theirs.

3. The clothes and shoes that mock you from the closet because they were expensive, but just not quite right, usually can find a new home with someone you know, thus making everyone happy.

4. We raise a bunch of funds for a local charity and donate all the unclaimed items for them to sell in their shop.

5. We get to finally talk to the lovely people on the mats next to ours! Teachers and students interacting with each other in a super friendly environment is a great way to help everyone feel like they belong to the IAY community.

6. Friends bring friends and we usually leave SwapAsana with new to us clothes and connections with people we wouldn’t have otherwise made.

How To Hold A Clothing Swap:

My friend Amy hosted a swap party at her house this summer with a couple of girlfriends and wrote a post about it. I totally scored in the sweater and dress department and got to taste Joy The Baker’s famous Simple Vegan Chocolate Cake.   All in all, a great night!

In my research I also found this post and this comprehensive guide.

At It’s All Yoga’s SwapAsana, we put half of the goods on tables at the beginning and take a break midway. We use the free-for-all method and most people take what looks best and leave the rest. There is one group of swappers who try things on together and decide who brings the item home based on who it most flatters. Team work at its finest!

If you are interested in hosting a swap party, I definitely recommend going to someone else’s party first. I did and fell in love! Thanks, Stitch Swap!

It’s All Yoga’s bi-annual SwapAsana is this Sunday, October 14th at the studio in Midtown Sacramento. Feel free to come by!

Have you ever hosted/attended a swap? What was your experience?

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What I’m Excited About: Sacramento Edition

So many good things going on locally that I feel the need to share.

My friends Amanda from Urban Almanac and Christine from Stinky Buddha have started a mindful meditation/discussion group. The first meeting is tonight.

It’s All Yoga is having Spring Swap Asana on Saturday, April 21 – at the studio. Women’s gently used, still in style, clothes, shoes and accessories.

Check out the Facebook invite and bring your friends.

Play and Stay and Baby and Me Rhyme Time at the Robbie Waters Branch of the Sacramento Public Library is totally worth the drive to the Pocket from Midtown.

Tuesday and Thursdays – Open play time starts at 10:15 and goes to 11.

11-11:20 or so is story time and if your kid doesn’t nap until later the toys come back out until noon.

It’s completely FREE and always filled with delightful tiny people and their caregivers.

What are you excited about?

Fall Swap Asana!

Women of Sacramento – Swap Asana {It’s All Yoga’s twice yearly clothing swap} is THIS SATURDAY!

Who: You, me, other awesome women looking for new-to-us wardrobe pieces

Admission: $5 and 1 piece of clothing gets you in. Take home all you like. Donations and unclaimed items go to WEAVE.

What: Clothing swap – gently used women’s clothes, shoes, accessories

When: Saturday, November 12th 2-4pm

Where: It’s All Yoga – 21st and X Streets – Sacramento, CA

Will you be there? EVERY size will be represented, so come on out.